God almighty is the only master. We have been chosen by him to run this business, so we should try to run this at the best of our capabilities. Our guiding principles should be:- * Customers are the most important aspects of our business; we should serve them in best possible way & should treat them with Dignity & Diligence. * Quality, Service Commitments & creativity is the driving force of our business. * We should understand the need of our customers and then offer them cost effective solutions. * We should be proactive to explore customers need and to improve our service. * To make ourselves more cost effective, we should utilize our Resources in most efficient way. * We adopt Modern Management Practices and develop a healthy and congenial work environment in our Organization. * We should inculcate disciplined, structured & transparent working atmosphere, where our people can realize their potential. * We should generate and maintain our asset, resources & try to pass it to future generations. * Our business should be for the betterment of humanity. Kayen vacha mansandriyarva, budhiyataman va prakrte swabhavat I Karomi yat yat saklam parasmei, Narayanaeti samarapayami II
Head Office - Mumbai G7, Unique House Cardinal Gracious Road, Chagall, Andheri (East) Ph. No. :-+91 9335070896, +91 512 2606501 E-mail :- sales@sunkemindustries.com Skype :- sunkemindustries.india |
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