In accordance with our management philosophy we adopt modern management practices and develop a healthy and congenial work environment in our organization for our team member to grow. We also inculcate a disciplined, structured and transparent working atmosphere, where our people can realize their potential. As we strongly believe that in modern age competitive advantage can only be achieved by having workforce which has RESPECT (Reliable, Excellence, Sincere, Professional, Empowered, Careful & Team-player). So we ensure fair recruitments & performance based promotions and ensuring care for each employee and their family members. The training and retraining is ensured by Job-rotation, Job-enrichment for Career & Succession planning with a well defined accountability and responsibility. The Synergy of development, Financial & Intellectual, of each individual with the growth of organization is helping our Organization to surge ahead; in order to achieve & maintain a leading position in our area of business.
Head Office - Mumbai G7, Unique House Cardinal Gracious Road, Chagall, Andheri (East) Ph. No. :-+91 9335070896, +91 512 2606501 E-mail :- Skype :- sunkemindustries.india |
Branch - Office